Historical Review

In 1962 the Asociación Sinfónica de Heredia (ASH) was born, and with it the activities of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Heredia (OSH) began, a group that remained under the musical direction of its founder, the renowned Costa Rican conductor German Alvarado.

After four decades of concerts, the composer and conductor takes over the direction of the orchestra Eddie MoraThe OSH has begun a new stage, profiling the OSH as a professional project, emphasizing the repertoire of the XX and XXI centuries with special attention to Latin American musical creation.

Currently, the Heredia Orchestra has the support of the Ministry of Culture and Youth and the Municipality of Heredia, entities that incorporate it into their budget and development plan, allowing artistic projects with composers, soloists and conductors of national and international renown in the different concert seasons, which are held in the most prestigious halls of the country such as the National Auditorium, the Eugene O'Neill Theater and the National Theater of Costa Rica. In Heredia, the OSH performs in its historical venue, the Parroquia Inmaculada Concepción de Heredia.

One of the most important activities of the OSH consists of recording the main works of its repertoire. Proof of these are its thirteen recordings.
